My Story:

Brief story of my progress.

My food “revolution” started in October 2010 when my husband and I decided we would be ready to try for a baby. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in 2009 and I was told my chances of conceiving naturally would be affected by this.

PCOS is a condition where there is a hormone imbalance in a woman’s body and it can cause physical changes in appearances as well as affect your monthly cycle and reduce your chances in having a baby. It can also lead to serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes if left untreated. A common feature of PCOS is to have a resistance to insulin (the hormone that controls sugar levels in the body) which means that your body produces higher levels of insulin to overcome this which then impacts on the production and activity of other hormones.

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Have a good healthy relationship with food.

I wanted us to enjoy favourite foods but with a healthy twist, so I make pizzas that have a veggie packed sauce on a wholemeal base or pancakes that are bursting with vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are unique to spelt over other forms of wheat. I’m aware that my children, and actually my husband and myself miss out on a large part of social activities as we choose not to eat refined and processed foods (well Harry is more flexible!!) – we miss out on birthday cakes, restaurant meals, home cooked dinners with family or friends and even Tejus eating snacks at his Pre-School/Nursery. I started to see if I could make wholefood and unrefined versions of traditional meals and recipes to ensure we ate healthily but also to see if you can have say a barbecue, a birthday cake or a Sunday lunch that’s still tasty, exciting or special.

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Own a Copy of Next Generation Kitchen

For everyday meals.

I would describe my Next Generation Kitchen recipe book as a collection of meals made by a Mum of two for my family. From everyday day dinners to special occasion meals, they’re based on familiar recipes using wholefoods and unrefined ingredients, no added sugar or salt that are organic wherever possible.

I have created this book on my own, taking all the photographs, writing all my recipes up, designing the layout and style and even sourcing my own printers. And now I’ll be selling it myself too! I hope that whoever picks up this copy will see how much passion and belief I have in eating this kind of food. Forgive me if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes – I have checked so many times!! After having my kids, I feel this is one of my greatest achievements and I have loved it.

Enjoy and tuck in…

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Catch Up Daily:

What we’re up to for recipe ideas.

I am a stay at home Mum/housewife/cleaner/gardener/labourer… anything else??!! I love being at home with my family and cook food from fresh pretty much every day, so catch up with what we’re up to for recipe ideas or to see how chaotic it can be on the days when dinners later than planned and theres two grumpy kids in need of your attention – a problem shared is a problem (half) solved!!

Out and About:

Next generation kitchen recipe book

I will be selling my Next Generation Kitchen recipe book and Next Generation Kitchen produce from my book at various food markets/festivals. Please come along to try a few samples and perhaps buy some of my food and/or my book, switching to the Next Generation Kitchen way of cooking for yourself and your next generation.

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