The Next Generation Kitchen Belief

Where do I begin?? With food perhaps!

I believe food is so important, it makes us stronger, helps make you feel better when you’re feeling poorly and most crucially, should be really enjoyed. All too often we settle for convenience over quality and we as consumers don’t think to check ingredients or question food standards – for example, we expect bread to be made of flour, yeast and water and would be shocked at the crazy list of ingredients that are in so many loaves today.

This book started as my way to group recipes that are nutritious, appealing and fairly easy to make, I wanted to share with others how food can be interesting and filling but be healthy and fresh. To balance cooking homemade food from fresh as much as possible with a busy everyday life, I batch cook and will either repeat meals during the week or will freeze portions for times when the convenience of a reheat is required. That’s usually when there’s two hungry, tired crying kids, a husband that’s coming home late from work, washing piled up in every place imaginable and a Mum who’s lack of sleep has meant she’s reached her daily limit for multi tasking and thinks a take away would just be so easy!!

I’m not a doctor, a chef, nor am I a nutritionist – but I have researched lots into food and I am passionate about what we eat and subsequently what we feed our children. This is something that has worked really well for my family – both for us adults and for the kids so I want to share our experiences and hopefully others may find the same happens to them and they can enjoy this kind of food as much as we do. We believe we should cook one dish for the whole family to share, enjoying a variety of home cooked meals to ensure that what comes out of our kitchen is the best for our next generation.

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